Blog - Page 2

Here are some of my thoughts rendered into words. It's my hope that within these lines, you might find something that speaks to you, offering either a moment of connection or a fresh viewpoint to ponder.

Immutable Individual Phone Numbers for a Digital Bhutan

Immutable Individual Phone Numbers for a Digital Bhutan

Immutable Phone Numbers Can be People’s Identity

BNB QR SoundBox is here to save you from fake screenshots

BNB QR SoundBox is here to save you from fake screenshots

BNB QR SoundBox - a great tool for businesses

The Royal Blessing - a Decade of Gratitude & Transformation

The Royal Blessing - a Decade of Gratitude & Transformation

The bitter cold of the early morning wind outside the Zimpoen office did nothing to dampen my spirits. For it was the 14th of February, 2013 - a day that...

Importance of Updating Phone Numbers with Banks before Going Abroad

Importance of Updating Phone Numbers with Banks before Going Abroad

Traveling abroad can be an exciting experience, but it is important to ensure that all necessary preparations are made in advance to ensure a smooth and stress-free trip. As more...

Automating Front-End Tasks in Flexcube using Selenium

Automating Front-End Tasks in Flexcube using Selenium

Many banks and credit unions use Flexcube to keep track of their customers’ information and streamline their day-to-day business processes. As a front-end developer or data entry officer, you might...

An app a company keeps the customers frustrated.

An app a company keeps the customers frustrated.

As a small country, Bhutan should be utilizing every resource it has to its fullest potential. This includes its technological resources and the development of apps that cater to the...

How to add Google Analytics into Jekyll website

How to add Google Analytics into Jekyll website

Google Analytics is a valuable tool for tracking the traffic and user behavior on your website. If you have a Jekyll website, you can easily add Google Analytics tracking by following these steps:

Considering website development or content creation?