In recent years, the financial industry has undergone significant changes with the advent of digital banking and the proliferation of interconnected financial systems. Open banking and Application Programming Interface (API) integration have been pivotal in providing enhanced connectivity and seamless services for customers, leading to greater convenience and innovation. However, alongside the benefits, the improper implementation of these technologies can expose financial institutions to significant risks. This case study focuses on a recent incident involving the BDB (Bhutan Development Bank Ltd), where its open API was neither encrypted nor authenticated, resulting in a major security loophole that could have had severe consequences.


APIs are powerful tools that allow different software systems to communicate and share data, and they have become integral to modern banking. Open APIs, specifically, allow third-party developers to create applications and services that can interact directly with a bank’s financial systems, facilitating an enhanced customer experience. However, as financial institutions rush to provide innovative services, some fail to implement adequate security controls, leaving their customers vulnerable.

The BDB bank case is a stark reminder of the potential risks of poor IT security practices in banking. BDB, like many other banks, adopted an open API model to facilitate easy integration for its clients and third-party service providers. Unfortunately, this was executed with critical security flaws, including a lack of encryption and absence of authentication, putting the sensitive data of numerous customers at risk. This was symptomatic of a broader issue within BDB, which has been afflicted by outdated IT security practices, and it demonstrates a pattern of inadequate attention to security that has led to this breach.

BDB System Overview and Security Issue

The BDB bank implemented an open API to enable customers and third-party applications to interact with the bank’s services. While the intention was to provide a more seamless and integrated banking experience, the absence of fundamental security practices turned this effort into a vulnerability rather than an advantage. During my investigation into the BDB system, I discovered that their open API was unencrypted and unauthenticated, leading to a situation where critical customer data was exposed without any safeguard mechanisms.

  1. Lack of Encryption: Encryption is one of the basic requirements for any system dealing with sensitive data, particularly in the financial sector. The BDB API, however, used plain HTTP instead of HTTPS, meaning that data transmitted through this API was unencrypted. This allowed for the possibility of interception by any malicious actor with access to the network, putting customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) at risk. The lack of encryption not only jeopardized customer privacy but also left BDB exposed to regulatory violations, as data protection laws such as GDPR and PCI DSS require encryption of sensitive information.
  2. Lack of Authentication: Perhaps the most alarming aspect of the BDB API was the absence of authentication mechanisms. APIs dealing with sensitive financial information must include robust authentication and authorization protocols to ensure that only authorized users are granted access to customer data. In this case, anyone with knowledge of the API endpoint could query the API and retrieve customer information without any validation. This created a severe risk of data leaks and unauthorized access, as sensitive customer data, such as account details, balances, and PII, could be accessed without restrictions. A secure system would typically require authentication keys, tokens (such as those used in OAuth 2.0), or even multi-factor authentication (MFA) to confirm the legitimacy of the requester.

Demonstration of Vulnerability

To illustrate the severity of this vulnerability, I conducted a series of tests on the BDB open API without revealing the specifics of the API endpoint or the exact methods used. Using publicly available documentation and a basic HTTP client, I was able to connect to the BDB API and successfully retrieve customer information. The API did not require any credentials, nor did it enforce any access controls, effectively meaning that any user—malicious or otherwise—could have retrieved sensitive data without restriction. The failure of the API to enforce any form of security is an egregious example of poor security practice, especially for a bank handling a large volume of customer transactions.

The Consequences of Poor IT Security Practices

The implications of the discovered vulnerabilities are significant. In an era where data privacy is paramount and regulations are becoming increasingly strict, BDB’s failure to secure its API represents not just a lapse in technical implementation but a breach of its fiduciary duty to protect customer information. The potential consequences of an exploitation of this vulnerability could include:

  • Data Theft and Fraud: Without encryption and authentication, the data flowing through the API was openly exposed to interception and misuse. This kind of data breach could easily lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and unauthorized transactions that would directly impact the affected customers.
  • Regulatory Fines and Legal Actions: Data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other local compliance standards, mandate stringent measures for safeguarding personal information. Non-compliance could expose BDB to hefty fines, penalties, and potential legal actions from customers who may be affected by the data leak.
  • Loss of Customer Trust: Trust is a cornerstone of the banking industry. The discovery of such a glaring security flaw would severely undermine customer trust, leading to reputational damage and, ultimately, a potential loss of clientele who no longer feel that their sensitive information is secure.

Action Taken and Response by BDB Management

Upon identifying the vulnerability, I immediately initiated responsible disclosure procedures and contacted BDB’s management team (through a former colleague who now works there) to report the issue. Fortunately, the BDB management took the findings seriously and has since begun working on implementing corrective measures. The management team has assured that they are deploying encryption across all API endpoints.

Lessons Learned

This incident provides several crucial lessons that must be acknowledged by all financial institutions embracing open banking and API-driven integration:

  1. Encryption Is Non-Negotiable: Encryption serves as the first line of defense for securing data, especially sensitive information like banking records and customer details. All APIs should use HTTPS to ensure data is protected during transmission. Lack of encryption is a glaring and easily avoidable vulnerability.
  2. Authentication and Authorization Are Critical: Proper security controls such as authentication and authorization mechanisms must be built into APIs to prevent unauthorized access. OAuth 2.0, API keys, and other secure access methods should be implemented to validate the identity of users and ensure that they have the right to access particular data.
  3. Security-First Approach to API Development: Security must be embedded in the development life cycle from the outset. Regular audits, code reviews, and penetration testing are essential practices for identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities before they reach production.
  4. Timely Security Assessments and Monitoring: A continuous evaluation of security infrastructure is necessary to stay ahead of potential threats. Periodic security assessments and automated monitoring systems help identify vulnerabilities and anomalies in real-time, reducing the risk of breaches.
  5. Importance of Responsible Disclosure: The timely disclosure of vulnerabilities by ethical researchers or penetration testers is crucial for mitigating the impact of flaws. BDB’s willingness to respond to the disclosure helped mitigate potential damage and allowed the bank to initiate remedial actions before any major exploitation could occur.


The BDB case study is a cautionary tale that highlights the potential dangers associated with poor IT security practices in financial institutions. Inadequate encryption and lack of authentication in an open banking API left BDB’s customer information vulnerable to interception and unauthorized access. The incident reflects a broader pattern of neglect within BDB’s IT security, exposing the organization to serious legal, reputational, and financial consequences.

Financial institutions must prioritize security in every facet of their digital transformation journey. By adhering to best practices in encryption, authentication, security testing, and proactive monitoring, banks can safeguard customer data, maintain regulatory compliance, and preserve customer trust. In today’s interconnected digital ecosystem, the cost of ignoring these fundamentals can be catastrophic, as the case of BDB bank clearly demonstrates.